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Resident Evil Village
Resident Evil Village

May 17

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The shot in the arm that the Resident Evil franchise had sorely needed. RE7 brings the series back to it's roots with a twist.

Puzzles, resource management, and backtracking are back on the menu after a decade of more action focused titles, this time in first person. By and large, RE7 pretty much succeeds at what it sets out to do. I certainly have my issues with it, the story feels derivative, the back third is pretty weak even by RE standards, the enemy variety is severely lacking, and the locations don't feel as expansive as previous entries.

RE7 is still a hell of a good time though, it breathes new life into the series while maintaining it's identity as distinctly Resident Evil, and that's no easy task.

It's impossible for DICE to make a bad shooter at this point, and while BFV is one of the weaker entries in the series, it remains fun to play for the most part.

The single player War Stories still feel like afterthoughts, the battle royale mode was dead on arrival, and too little was added to the multiplayer too late.

For what it's worth, the multiplayer is still enjoyable, and the game is cheap enough you'll probably get your money's worth.