Oh I got a real bone to pick with this one.

I have never played Until Dawn, but like many i watched many playthroughs, so I know a lot about it, and I think that game is actually great example of a contrived concept that they ran with and ended up making special. You start hating the dialouge and characters but then you realize it was misdirection to lower your guard for when the cool stuff happens.

So then you get to Man of Medan but the problem is that there isn't any point where the story gets better. It starts fairly interesting and then when it's over you don't feel like anything happened.

None of the characters are likeable aside from the dorky brother. The captain was also pretty. Depending on your choices you may not even see one of them that much.

This game just felt really padded and stretched out. And the jumpscares are obnoxious. Games like this make me consider that Until Dawn was a happy accident, because all of the anthology games are so bland and similar to each other: long boring hallways with loud annoying jumpscares. Mechanically it's similar to Until Dawn but it's lacking any of the substance that was there.

The FINAL DECISION IS THE STUPIDEST THING IVE EVER SEEN- to get the good ending you have to FAIL the quick time event????!!!!! The only time in the entire game where you're suppose to. Yeah, no thanks.

Just stick to Until Dawn and don't think about this one.

Reviewed on May 05, 2024
