One of the all time greats, it took everything that worked in Super Mario Bros. 3 and extended it more and expanded upon it.
Its sprite work and music still hold up in the modern era and are easily recognizable till this day. All the songs have a certain bop that can easily stay with you for years to come, like for me!
Though...this game has an unfair advantage to every game out there, because of the memories I hold dear with me. I used to play this game with my dad when i was very little and it was a blast. He had a save file on there that had a star on it, and I never knew how he had that one there when I couldn't get one after I beat the game, even after seeing the star world for myself. That mystery stayed with me for years until i saw a single level at a bridge that had an alternate exit that i never knew of.
On top of that, this game holds the single most important memory that will stay near and dear to me, and it's the reason why i stick with Nintendo and play Mario to this day.
Whether it's to speedrun it or going for the 100%, this game will always be special to me, and I'll play it every single's the game that made me love all gaming!

Reviewed on Mar 24, 2024
