Played through the single player campaigns and they are very good, very punchy. Destruction comes swiftly at all times, and the push and pull of attacking and defending is really compelling.

Every unit has a well-defined purpose and a role on the battlefield...except for spies. I mean, I guess it's well-defined but they're not very useful in my experience.

Generally, I favor the Soviet campaign, not only because the ending actually seems to be like "Yay everyone loves communism," but also that the missions are a lot less scrappy. Allied missions tend to have multiple objectives and quite frequently start with doing some sort of infantry-only surprise attack.

The Soviet campaign, by contrast, generally focuses on kicking the shit out of everyone with tanks. It's much more satisfying to defend your base until you can just take one big swing out of it, steamrolling everything in your path.

The cutscenes are still very hilarious. Again, I prefer the Soviet side (the silly accents are amazing and I think the actor who plays Zofia gives a genuinely good performance). And of course Udo Kier is fantastic. The Allied ones are alright, but a little more straightforward. And I cannot get over how bad Eve is at typing, holy shit.

I love how american this game is. It actually takes a couple of pot shots at the silliness of american capitalism in a Soviet mission where a propaganda truck is driving around saying things like "Free televisions for all!" and things of that nature. But playing as the allies is very Ra Ra America, and I think it's just on the nose enough to read as a little bit of parody. It's cute.

Overall, this game has aged incredibly well. I would love a remaster just to see the graphics at a higher resolution; the CnC remaster really proved that was possible to do well. I think this game is worth playing even for folks who have never played it before.

Reviewed on May 07, 2024
