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August 10, 2022

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Capcom Classics Collection Revisits #12

Want to know how to tell when I'm getting burnt out on these? It's when I go down my list of titles to play and the arcade version of Bionic Commando is next, then I just sit on it for like two weeks, because "fuck I gotta play Bionic Commando next? goddammit".

I respect this for doing something new and giving us a unique way to move about the stage, but I just never really liked using the grappling hook and there's tons of times where shit just plows into you when you probably could've avoided it if Rad Spencer had any leg muscles to spare to leave the ground on his own volition. By stage three you're probably gonna be constantly dying, because this is unfortunately an arcade game that cares more about pinching the pennies from your pockets rather than giving you a good experience. This is probably the first game I'm playing for this where I legitimately just don't like the game, like Trojan and Street Fighter 1 are far worse objectively, but those games I can laugh at, Bionic Commando Arcade is just irritating.

It sucks that my review can basically be summed up as "play the NES version instead", but seriously just play the NES game instead. I can already tell you from the few minutes I spent trying it out quick that it feels a metric crapton better to play than this. Hell, this doesn't even have an exploding Hitler head. Seriously, why bother?