If I could jump that high...would I ever find the ground again?

Is it bad to jump that high into the sky of nostalgia? To let yourself slip away and put your head into the clouds? Will those clouds of nostalgia turn you against your peers who don't see the vision? The vision of a children's playground for you to jump around to your heart's content? Planting yourself on a little conveyor and riding on it like a first-person roller coaster? Pretending to pet the non-threatening round green birds that chirp "kiwi!" if you dare to shoot them?

I wish I could jump like Robbit, I wish I could shoot lasers like Robbit, and I wish I could make funny noises whenever I took a step forward like Robbit. Why is life such a bore? Why can't it be just playgrounds and rainbows? Why can I not be just like my hero Robbit? Fighting funny evil men with funny palm tree jellyfish henchmen.

Was it my mom's fault that she bought me this during a time where I got nothing for a majority of the year due to being a poor December baby? Is she to blame for this mess? My poisonous care for a simple video game that I had played too much? The rare time where I can attach my mom to a game instead of my gamer dad? My yearning for days that I didn't need to care about getting up for work in the morning? When I didn't have a constant worry for the struggles of others? Is it truly bad for me? To just make me forget, and make me care only about smiling and struggling to hold back my emotions? To just, feel once more?

Is it bad for me to feel like a kid again? For just one hour?

Why must life be so grounded...?

Let's go Robbit, let's jump and go...for old times' sake once more....

Reviewed on May 07, 2024


2 months ago

I didnt know Jumping Flash could make me tear up...

2 months ago

@moschidae I'm always really close to deleting these sentimental pieces and wondering if they come off cringeworthy, but like....I feel I'd lose my drive to bother with writing if I couldn't write down what comes from the heart once in a while instead of my brain. I'd start questioning why I even do it anymore at that point, I'm just kind of a crybaby dweeb. lol.

2 months ago

It can be kind of hard and embarassing to put your heart on your sleeve, yeah. Most of my reviews tend to go like that, but the best posts on here are imo. I hope you dont delete yours, its very very cute and meaningful... we're all crybaby dweebs at heart u_u

2 months ago

@moschidae way too true....that's what makes us lovers of the medium after all...and thank you for the compliment, it helps more than you think.

2 months ago


2 months ago

@C_F no u oomfie <3

2 months ago

There's something to be said for the kinds of emotional connections games like this are able to accomplish. It's hard to explain to the average person. I think most would say they become emotionally invested in the stories any given game tells. Especially in the modern day. I can appreciate a good, well written narrative, but personally I often find the connections with a game are fleeting when that's the only source of connection. Games like this are so good at invoking feelings unique to them not only through their art, music, and wacky old approaches to game design. But also through allowing the player to imprint themselves as a person onto the experience. Forming a connection like that lasts a lifetime, and is a testament to video games in themselves being a powerful art form.

Your line about turning against your peers who don't see the vision really speaks to me. Someone either gets it or they don't. Like yeah sure the latest "cinematic masterpiece" of a game hits real hard 40 hours in but I'm over here getting emotional about games like Tetris Attack

2 months ago

@Poefred well said. I respect MGS2 a bunch and loved it loads, and I admit I still get fucked up a bit during a few scenes especially with Otacon near the end, but the moment I see the Kiwi in the first stage in Jumping Flash with that music I just start clapping joyfully.