Bad Street Brawler is a ridiculous side-scroller beat'em up, where you play as a scrawny aging Duke Nukem who forgets and remembers only three moves per stage like some kind of even more limited Pokemon.

Before the beginning of each stage you can practice your moves on a training bag, which is kinda neat I guess. There's also these dumb proverbs at the bottom of the screen during these like "Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you", is this guy hearing voices in his head? Who the fuck is he? Randy Orton?

The enemy roster is about as bizarre as the guy you're playing as. We've got bulldogs, little bald circus guys that can magically fly with a ball and chain, banana throwing apes, gun-toting morons in what look to be spiked WWI German helmets, tigers, nine foot tall basketballers, etc. It feels like the circus is in town and you want nothing more than to beat the shit out of these miserable assholes. I can relate.

The moves are also preposterous. They range from simple jump kicks to Three Stooges style bonks to the head. There's also this "trip" attack that looks more like you're changing the other guy's diaper. I love Old Duke's crouching animation where he goes completely down with his hands over his head like he's doing a tornado drill at school or something.

This game's sheer wackiness unfortunately is the only thing it has going for it, because otherwise the moves aren't super satisfying to pull off and the enemies are pretty simple to dispose of aside from the skateboarders that might bamboozle you for a moment with their invincibility frames. I'll give it credit for trying to mix things up between stages by giving you a different move set, but they do eventually start repeating stuff. The music also sounds really stock and might wear on your nerves after a while due to it quickly cycling through it's apparent grand total of two stage themes.

Better than most trash on the system, but still not something I'd say is "good" or anything.

Reviewed on Apr 27, 2022
