After spitting so many insults at Sonic 2 GG I eventually remembered that this game existed. The last time I actually played it I only gave it about ten seconds of playtime maybe, until I switched to another game after laughing for a bit and not giving it the time of day. But I seriously needed to know if I was gonna hate it more, was my animosity misguided?

In terms of the visuals...I'll just say that the effects of DKC popularity are heavily felt here. To be honest, I think Sonic himself looks least when he's not moving. His actual animations are goddamn awful, he walks like he has no elbows or knees like he's some shitty robot from an early low budget sci-fi flick. To say it aged poorly would be a bit of an understatement, and it doesn't help when I'm playing the game blown up on my TV and not on the Game Gear making it look far worse.

His control is bad, it feels like he's got major dump truck ass going on and it took me a bit to get used to his feel especially after how loosey goosey Sonic 2 GG was. The level design...isn't terrible, until you hit the horrifically confusing tediousness that is Blue Marine. Jesus tapdancing christ, it takes a serious amount of fucking skill to one up Aqua Lake Zone from 2 GG. "Yeah boys, lets make a puzzle out of underwater stages. What a fantastic idea!" If the guy responsible dies I'm not feeling anything for him.

Whether this is worse than 2 GG I think is a matter of what makes you more miserable first. This game took until Blue Marine to bring me to my knees, and that's off a near-blind playthrough. If I played 2 GG blind I'd be destroyed at the first boss or the hang glider stages. Both games are absolutely dreadful, and I'm not gonna judge if you hate one or the other more.

Why do you only lose ten rings from taking a hit? That's just strange. Did aliens make this game?

Reviewed on May 30, 2022
