I'm just gonna list out thoughts rather than write things in essay form, probably the best thing the biggest rip off in gaming deserves. It'll save me time on all those boring shmups with five thousand hours of dead air.

-Genuinely wondering what they were thinking putting the 2P only game at number one.
-Star Evil starting you right in front of an obstacle will forever be the funniest shit to me, the fact that the second stage is even worse with this is hysterical.
-Don't play Illuminator in a dim-lit room on CRT.
-"G-Force FGT." stands for G-Force Fighters, not the warship or the slur.
-The lack of playtesting for the jumping in Ooze and 80% of the other sidescrolling platformer games still makes me wonder who cleared it. It's still better than Ice Climber though.
-The giant cabbages that are supposed to be trees in Silver Sword are forever imprinted in my mind for some reason. Cabbages are just really funny to me I guess.
-Critical Bypass is probably legitimately the worst thing on here, if I can't even look at your game without getting a headache there's a big fuckin' problem.
-Can confirm that Alfred n the Fettuc boots up on everdrive, I like how he only attacks to the right, I can only assume they're right-handed to an impossible degree or something.
-My playthrough of Dam Busters was really easy until it was ended by a panda platypus thing spawning directly on top of me.
-Why is the jumping sometimes fine like in Haunted Halls?
-The first boss for Megalonia didn't spawn in and the game crashed when I tried to in-game reset.
-Meong, lmao. That's it, that's my review of it.
-Space Dreams is probably the ugliest shit on the entire game that isn't actively trying to damage my vision like Critical Bypass.
-I always liked how in Streemerz the enemies, power ups and yourself turn into a poverty version of Mr. Yuk upon death.
-Micro Mike is just Volkmire's Inferno from Battletoads on crack, it rules. Also the enemies sometimes just decide to spawn in entirely in one area and guarantee a lost life. It's fantastic.
-I want to hang out with the Dollar General version of Blaze Fielding in Slashers.
-Dat Crazy Shuffle theme tho.
-The very idea of Fuzz Power is great, just a hairy guy trying to avoid blow dryers and brushes. Fuck proper grooming.
-Mash Man is fuckin' hilarious, just Fuzz Power but hipster phase.
-Bits and Pieces is the coolest game on here in terms of concept, at least it would be if you could like punch or something. Just a dude going around punching the shit out of monsters in a graveyard, that's all I need. At least the jumping works until the game decides to spawn in three enemies together and guarantee a hit.
-Bleeps and Blips was when they actually ran out of ideas, "fuck it just throw a bunch of unused assets in it that's the game!"
-Boss rules. Just a frog guy running around with a gun having his day ruined by people chucking bombs out their windows.
-I instantly died and game over'd in Hambo due to a ball spawning on me, I have no clue why there's only one life in Hambo.
-Genuinely was impressed by the flipping ninja in Ninja Assault, just had my expectations lowered way past rock bottom by all the other shit I guess.
-I wish I had more to say about Cheetahmen other than being impressed that they were expecting to make toylines out of this shit like every other TMNT rip off series.

I feel like running through Action 52 should be a Backloggd initiation. I'll probably play the Genesis version eventually whenever I'm bored again and outside is terrible.

Slashers is still better than Urban Champion at least.

EDIT: That was a lot more than I expected, hopefully this isn't too shitty to read.

Reviewed on Jul 16, 2022


1 year ago

Veeeeeeeeeeeeee help me make a tier list for those minigames.

1 year ago

lmao, sure. Only if Micro Mike is in Rugal tier and the shmups are in bottom.

1 year ago

It's my headcanon now that Alfred and Zoolander are distant relatives.