I recall going with my family to the mall when I was little, and we ended up buying this along with Stunt Race FX.

I think it says a lot that I had to be reminded recently that this existed, despite the fact that I literally still own the cartridge for this thing. Even more insulting is that the single-digit frame rate FX chip racer I got along with this is more engaging in 2022, at least that thing has charm despite being barely playable anymore.

Tetris 2 is the epitome of bland, if it were food it'd be beans on toast. The change to the formula is not only unneeded, but also just a bizarre experiment of mixing Dr. Mario's easy as shit gameplay into the use of Russian falling blocks that are no longer Russian. I'm fully convinced this is one of the worst sequels ever made, like at least stuff like DMC2 has shit like "here's your crown". What the hell does this thing have? An unanimated dinosaur in a window?

A lying soulless piece of junk.

Reviewed on Aug 06, 2022
