I vaguely remember playing this back on the Sega Channel, you basically play as Grover in platforming segments attempting to gather food for Mr. Johnson's order, who apparently lives at the Cafe since he's always there every day for breakfast, brunch (fake-ass meal), lunch, dinner and dessert.

This being obviously a children's game it's rather easy if not outright simple for the first few days. The count also only goes up to four, so the orders never get super out of hand or anything. As the days progress the stage does get bigger, and at some point other characters start showing up to trespass in Grover's kitchen, like Snuffy attempting to sneak a steal off your tray or Ernie being a disgusting asshole throwing steak all over the place. I seriously hope that shit is cooked, otherwise Mr. Johnson's contracting salmonella and that could be a hefty court case if Grover serves that shit.

The game was a mild rush of nostalgia since it's been quite a while, but even pretending to look at it through the eyes of four-year old me it could get pretty repetitive. Clearly the devs thought this too, since at the end of every day you have to catch a monkey who steals the last star Mr. Johnson tries to give you. You'd think Grover would improve the anti-monkey tech in his cafe by day four, but this is Grover we're talking about. These monkey segments are again monumentally easy, and just feel kinda like filler. Like I guess it's good to teach kids about trickier platforming? Dunno about that decision though.

I kinda got tired of it by the middle of day four, it's alright for what it is and the most entertainment I got was yelling "YO BRUNCH!" along with Grover during the in-between screens. This music kinda bops too, shame I can't find a rip of it online atm.

Reviewed on Aug 22, 2022
