Here in rural armpit America this was our Ridge Racer Type 4. Sure, it lacked a cute lady waving at us or the Namco Sound Team, but you know what it did have? It had rocket-propelled chicken trucks racing around the roman coliseum with a bunch of tornados barreling around it. Instead of "Move Me" by Kohta Takahashi, we had goofy-ass sound effects like a boxing ring bell going off as we activated our battering ram power up, sending other racers into the stratosphere as bowling pin sounds rattled off and Captain Hero from Drawn Together growls "Let's Rock!".

Nascar Rumble isn't a refined simulator of any kind, it's a racing game that knows full well it's a video game. My favorite kind of sports-racer that goes for the insanity instead of trying to pretend it's realistic. You can keep your fancy shmancy driving physics and real life tracks, I'll gladly take my funny golf cart and drive against a mob of RVs in the back of some nameless southern beach town. Of course, if you're for some reason against this nonsense you can turn the power-ups and silly commentator guy off for a more boring and professional venture of some sorts. Why you would do this is beyond me, we at the Nascar Rumble sports committee recommend items to be set to "Mayhem" and for our commentator Jess Harnell to be set to max volume. Don't play something you never asked for as I always say!

Seriously, the game rules. If I had to nitpick the AI is actually too easy, even on Elite I ended up lapping it in an 8 lap race during my last play session. I'll take it over the rubberbanding bullshit that was all over the place at the time though!

Reviewed on Sep 11, 2022
