This is a pretty cool tech demo they made here, it's got the whole shebang and they even advertise it to you at you start the game! 3D Vector Sprite Objects and Realtime Zoom! Would anyone back in 1994 even know what that is? Probably not, but it sure sounds awesome! It reminds me of when they advertised how big the game was on the cartridge. Oh baby! 4 megabytes! How can it store such a beast?!?!!? How big even is that?!?

Anyways, Red Zone is really cool, but it's a shame it's completely unbeatable by conventional means. If your helicopter crashes, YOU ARE DEAD! Such realism! I got blasted out of the sky by enemy MIGs so fast that I didn't even know what was going on when I saw the random countdown over my helicopter. I've met Famicom games that were more forgiving. They also put Asteroids in the game, which means I have to give every single one of the people responsible a swift kick to the butt.

Honestly the coolest thing about this is that Jesper Kyd brought back one of the music tracks for Amok and then Hitman Blood Money.

"Meh, no one played Red Zone anyway."
"Meh, no one played Amok anyway..."

Reviewed on Sep 28, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

Zyrinx did some amazing things with the Genesis / MD hardware in this game, unfortunately gameplay wasn't the focus for this one lol.