2023, The Year of the Rabbit; a year of terrible significance. In the great country of Eggstonia, an undercooked scramble was beginning......

Orange Julius, the emperor walks up the stairs to the Curia of Poinpy as he hails his colleagues. A bearded eggish soothsayer approaches and speaks to Julius, "beware the ides of starch...."; they quickly leave much to Julius' confusion.

Suddenly, from behind Brutus and Cassius draw out their egg beaters and plunge them deep into the back of Julius' eggshell, yolk spills out onto the stairs as yellow becomes it's new coat of paint.

"Egg tu, Brute!?"

Orange Julius has been beaten to death. Chaos ensues, the country of Eggstonia now in political ruin; giant rolling siege weapons in the form of what would be the chicken become a common sight of what formerly was the peaceful sunny side of Eggstonia. Cities smashed underegg by these terrible Easter Sunday monoliths of death as warring empires look only to expand their territories without a worry for the common cackleberry.

"Omelette du fromage...." they sang in hopes that the goddess Midnerva would protect their battered shells from continued damage as the oval-shaped monstrosities roll over their once fair cities. Flattened, beaten, scrambled, fried; the once great country of Eggstonia now nothing but a destroyed mess of protein and healthy calories. Breakfast will be served, but not to anyone in Eggstonia....

camera tilts upwards revealing the narrator and true mastermind behind it all...

...Time to eat.

stabs the camera with fork

chews and swallows a bite and begins the real review

Not really my cup of tea, but if anything it does perfectly represent one of the many reasons why the PS1 has my favorite library of any system; experimentation hitting peak levels of bizarre. I thought about playing Power Shovel quick, but I think I gaslit Detchibe enough with the Game & Watch title a bit ago.

continues eating scrambled eggs

Reviewed on Jan 01, 2023


1 year ago

Do it, play Power Shovel, it kicks ass

1 year ago

transporting my colossal collection of fully cooked egg whites via excavator to the nearest cold storage.