1 review liked by Velonex

This game is the purest definition of "okay" and a "mixed bag".

For every good concept/thing this game does, it does something equally bad that taints the experience just a bit.

For the fun gameplay, there's the tedious 100% process and the bland as shit art design

For every genuinely good track of music, there's 50 other bland and boring ones

For every genuine attempt to make a compelling story, they fuck it up by making something totally distractingly underdeveloped

This IS a good step in the right direction for the franchise. I can see a sequel being incredibly better. But "okay" shouldn't cut it for this series, and ESPECIALLY shouldn't make it "the best 3D sonic ever" like I've seen so many say.

If you like sonic I'd say it's at least worth the play. Watch my vid for more info. There'll be at least something here you'll like. Doubly recommended on PC with all the mod support so far. I'll update this when I finally play/beat final horizon.