Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 are the second direct sequels in the franchise, the first being Gold, Silver, and Crystal. I prefer Black and White, but these games bring things to the table that the first didn't, so it balances out.

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 are the second direct sequels in the franchise, the first being Gold, Silver, and Crystal. I prefer Black and White, but these games bring things to the table that the first didn't, so it balances out.

Pokemon Yellow, on the Virtual Console, were some of the latest games I've played, and I quite enjoyed them. I prefer it's Let's Go remake, however, but the game is a good experience.

Pokémon Crystal is my preferred version of the generation 2 games, for no particular reason. While I like Gold, Silver, and Crystal, Crystal is just my preferred version.

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The game was alright, but some of the things you need to do to progress are hella cryptic as fuck, and I was only able to make it through with a guide. Also, I wish there was a way to save your friends and get a "good ending". But overall, it was fine.

I played the game on an emulator, and it honestly sucked ass. Couldn't get passed the first chase because of the terrible controls.

Entertaining for a few days, but that's about it. Few options in character creator and was overall decent at best.

It's fun when I'm not drawing penises or porn

A broken mess, absolutely awful. Save files were broken, hitboxes were scuffed the entire way through, and it became a chore to play through. Do not buy.

man i sure hope no one tries this in real life

played for this like, 40 minutes with my friends and they didn't seem to like it. i think it's ok

I consider this the end of the franchise, along with UCN.