I dont really understand the hate

Reviewed on Feb 07, 2024


4 months ago

So I'm in the camp of not having a super strong opinion on the game either way, but from what I've seen, the general consensus is that it's too on the nose for a Silent Hill game. I do think it's pretty on the nose, but specifically for me ambiguity hasn't really been what Silent Hill is about. There are complaints that I think are more objective (but not entirely) like the voice acting which I definitely do agree that the voice acting sucks shit. I'm definitely not a hater of the game tho, this has me pretty hyped to see what's up next for the franchise since the atmosphere and scares were really well done.

4 months ago

It's a bunch of 35-40 year olds who can't leave the past behind the ones who are so extremely angry about this. It was pretty fine for a modern take on the Silent Hill series.