"Do I please thee, good sirrah? Am I fair in thine eyes? Then mayhap thou wouldst accept from me a heartfelt puff-puff?"

The Grandfather of everything RPG is back baby! Akira Toriyama's (RIP to the GOAT) second claim to fame in video game form is still fantastic to this day. The ol' turn-based formula has never let me down to this day and DQ11 shows that it can still kick ass with a critical hit! Simplicity has never felt so good! The supreme form of the 11th release is absolutely packed with content up the wazoo! All of the playable cast members have some fantastic lines and moments, with Erik, Sylvando, and Jade being my favorites. And it is nice to hear the soundtrack in its orchestral form, a welcome change from the original. Both this and 8 are amongst the most fantastic and charming RPG titles to this day!

Reviewed on Mar 31, 2024
