This is a real strange one. You shoot the enemies and have to recollect your shots before they leave the stage. You can move around all 4 sides easy enough and its not too challenging. Cool that they could synthesize a voice to say the title.

Very similar to EarthWorld, you run around a maze and play various minigames to get items to progress. The minigames this time around seem to have some visual issues like enemies being a lot less visible.

Star Raiders for the 5200 is really pretty amazing. First person space shooter gameplay, a galaxy map to explore, a top down view to see around you, and actual title screen music! Definitely a great game for the platform.

Certainly ambitious and a step up over Adventure, but still ultimately a bit too obtuse. The technology really wasn't there yet for games like this I think.

Another solid attempt at creating a sports game. It works well enough and handles a lot of AI on the field.

Really really solid! Great graphics and animations on the players for the 2600, movement feels great too. Definitely a good pick.

While graphically impressive for the 2600, it feels very finnicky and hard to play properly. Still, a solid effort at something complex.

A little bit too unwieldy, movement and skull fire rate is extremely fast. Pretty straight forward though.

Really stellar 2D shooter with some crazy visuals for the 2600. Feels good to move and shoot and defeat the bosses.

Now this is a real good one. Captures the horror atmosphere pretty well for the hardware, and making the player a pair of eyeballs was a smart choice.

Definitely an interesting idea but the controls aren't responsive enough and the AI can just screw you over.

Certainly buggy, but definitely impressive for the hardware at the time.

On paper it's an interesting idea but.. it feels really awkward and moving the cursor and AI moves both feel much too slow.

Really tedious, the only player input is when to shoot. Not one of Atari's best from this era.

Decent versus shooting game, requires some timing and careful movement.