King's Quest: A Faithful Reimagining

As a recent point-and-click adventure fan, I do enjoy the King's Quest series and have made my way through a good amount of few of them, but the interest in the genre sparked from my love of Telltale and this entry in the King's Quest zeitgeist.

Before I even knew this was a long running adventure filled with twists and turns, familial drama, and humorous death scenarios, I knew of the 2015 reboot and its similar legacy.

The humor, the puzzles, the fan service within the story, there is something for everyone in this package. Devote fans of the series will enjoy the references and the retelling of some of the key releases and new players can enjoy the clever puzzles and beautiful art style.

My love for this style of not-too-serious adventure games is satisfied with this one game, and I do wish for a future where a sequel or successor to this game is released. For now, 5 episodes is enough to keep me at bay, and multiple endings allowing for repeated playthroughs helps the lack of a sequel feel justified.

King's Quest 2015: Heir Apparent