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Super Mario 64 was made at a time when Bubsy 3D was considered the staple 3D platformer. And holy shit did it improve that genre. The system’s controller itself was built around making that game play as fun as possible. Regardless of whether you’re a Nintendo fan, a Sony fan, or just someone who emulates everything, you can’t deny just what made it stand above and beyond the competition, and to this day is still held to such high regard, that it has become the gold standard of the 3D platforming genre. Other Mario games have come up and given it a run for its money, but twenty years later, every developer still looks back to this timeless classic as what they should aspire to achieve. After this award, we’re sure a few of you will boot it up for old time’s sake, but whether you’re speedrunning stages or breaking reality with half A-presses, Super Mario 64 takes the winner spot for this award.