Exoprimal 2023

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 3, 2024

Platforms Played


A game that I can only imagine is a big technical experiment ahead of Monster Hunter and other games in the pipeline, much like the games plot justification of repeated testing to create the ultimate mechsuit.

Exoprimal has a pretty generic core loop of: Shoot dinosaurs and occasionally shoot players.
But every so often, just enough to keep you going, it will throw something absolutely buck wild at you.

It might suddenly put both 5-player teams together against an even bigger boss, or give you an MMO style raid boss, complete with AoEs to dodge.

It all culminates in an explosive finale that brings everything together.

Story wide, it had a surprisingly endearing cast of characters that it drip feeds throughout the experience, setting itself up for more adventures if Capcom decides to come back.

I don't know if I can recommend it outside of Gamepass, and it's pretty long, but it's a hoot & a holler, and I guarantee you've never seen anything like it.