I have beaten this game twice, gotten all of the platinums on all of the dandori stages, and done every sidequest, and somehow I'm hungry for more, I mean FUCKIN STARVIN for more. I was hyped beyond belief for this game, had the highest expectations, and somehow this game still managed to blow my FUCKING mind. At some point I was like "wow this game sure has a lot of content" and then out of nowhere oatchi turned around and looked me in the eyes and said "oh you like that? you like all this content you bitch? lil baby bitch? lil baby unemployed bitch? well FUCK YOU here's more content you ugly piece of shit." i was a little freaked out at the time but looking back i appreciate the gesture. Basically my point is that this game just throws a lot at you, and not a single time did I think "This is a bit much don't you think?" NAH I had a smile on my face the entire time. This game is easily my game of the year, it honestly isn't even fucking close. god i love pikmin. life changing experience.

Reviewed on Aug 06, 2023
