Gameplay was ok, but the story was quite haunting and beautiful. It helps that the music was made by Steven Wilson

My favorite Final Fantasy and I don't really know why... It is just special to me.

Thank you for holding the fort until Sparking! Zero arrives

Dame da ne dame yo dame na no yo
Anta ga suki de suki sugite

I feel like I was playing three different games at the same time, but in a (sometimes) good way

Good puzzles, a very interesting narrative but the gameplay was boring at best. It is indeed a walking simulator, but whatever

It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. I liked the concept of your operator being MIA or injured, so you have to use another one. Maybe I'll give it a go again somewhere down the line


Dreadful. I couldn't find joy in trying to finish it. I honestly felt miserable every time I played this. The asylum was cool, though.

This one was my very first Final Fantasy game, and I'm almost pretty sure it was my very first JRPG. I was mesmerized by the world, the music, the characters, and the fantasy, but I never managed to finish it. Hell, I never made it past the Giza Plains. 
Yes, the characters are bland, and yes, the plot's very by the numbers, but Goddammit, I love it. 

Honestly, I didn't like this that much. It feels unpolished and unfinished. I like the overall idea of the game, but it doesn't live up to its potential.