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Wow. I have quite a few thoughts on this game.

I played for around 60hrs and fully leveled out my character and finished all of the side quests. I mainly put my points into the combat focused skills and I chose VATS focused perks. By the end, I had the special synth plasma rifle and was destroying every enclave soldier in two hits. It was very fun.

I found the main quest to be kind of bad. It was a linear story with almost no choices that effected the ending. I think the only main choices was the FEV infection or not. Also, yes, obviously Fawkes should have went in Purity instead.

I am also disappointed by the side quests. Most of them are good, but there are so few it's so sad. I will just list and rate them.

Agatha's Song: 4.5/5 I found this to be very touching, but still quite linear with not many choices. Also I had to use a guide to find this quest, so that kind of sucks. At least the vault is fun to explore.

Big Trouble in Big Town: 2.5/5 Not very good. Rescuing the inhabitants from super mutants was just boring and there are no interesting choices or dialogues or anything. The only thing you choose is how to protect Big Town at the end and that barely matters.

Blood Ties: 4/5 Not bad. This was a very varied mission. I liked how you weren't just told where to go and instead given multiple possible locations. And I enjoyed the choices whether to side with Arefu or the vampire and the multiple ways you could save Ian West.

Head of State: 2/5 Boring. Who the hell wouldn't help the slaves unless they were trying to be evil. Seriously its just a fetch and clear out this area quest. Whatever

Oasis: 5/5 This stands up there with the best Fallout New Vegas quests in my opinion. Branching paths and choices with actually good rewards for each faction depending on who you side with. Unfortunately I had to use a guide to find it, so that kind of sucks.

Reilly's Rangers: 3.5/5 It's alright. The Rangers are cool and so are the rewards, but it's just very linear.

Stealing Independence: 3.5/5 Pretty neat. Sydney is great. I like all the different ways you can make your way to the Declaration. I'm surprised, an actually good fetch quest

Strictly Business: 0/5 This is garbage. Literally no incentive to do this. You need Paradise Falls for a main story quest, but seriously. You can give him 500 caps, or you can mow them down. Those are all better, easier options. I didn't even try this one. I just killed all the slavers.

Tenpenny Tower: 4/5 Good. Different factions you can side with and different choices. I like this quest. My favorite part about this is that violence still breaks out even if a compromise is found.

The Nuka Cola Challenge: 0/5 Worst side quest in the game. This is so fucking bad. It is just a stupid fetch quest and I already had 22 Colas in my inventory, and I did not want to go the fucking bottling location and do more busywork for this. The rewards are garbage too. I just used a guide and got the easiest Colas I could find. Should have been an unmarked quest.

The Power of the Atom: 5/5 Like it! Very good introductory quest. Pretty simple, but that's the point.

The Replicated Man: 5/5 A much better Fallout 4. I played Fallout 4 and I was shocked how this one quest managed to be better than 4's entire story.

The Superhuman Gambit: 4.5/5 Good quest. Good choices. Pretty hilarious.

Wasteland Survival Guide: 5/5 This quest probably has the most choices in the entire game and I love it. You can sacrifice a bit of effort for some nice rewards and I like it. Could've been a bit shorter though.

Those: 3/5 Meh. I like the choice of perks at the end, really makes me feel like I'm growing more powerful. That's about it. Average

Trouble on the Homefront: 5/5 Great! Love all the options and going back to the place it all began was very surreal.

You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head: 3/5 I like how Crowley lies to make you do the quest and you can confront his lie later. It was ok, but it just told you to fast travel to 4 locations and get their keys. At least the power armor was good.

Ok that's all of them. Not a bad lineup, just way way too short. Also, almost none of them have a substantial impact on the story.

Few more thoughts. Karma is stupid and garbage get rid of it. The perks that just add skill points are lame and FNV had better perks. The combat and gameplay here is better than FNV. I like the easier difficulty. Crafting weapons is useless. The Dialogue system is garbage. Why is speech a chance thing. FNV is much much much better. The world was more fun to explore than FNV, but not as good as Fallout 4. I was disappointed by how few locations the quests take you to. Hbomberguy's video is actually quite spot on.

Man i shouldnt write long reviews Im so bad at them lol dont make fun of me too much

Reviewed on Jul 16, 2021
