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I really liked this game. I think I am in love with the immersive sim genre now. I started with Dishonored, and I loved that game and this game is even better. Still not a 5/5 for a few reasons, but it's close. I played it on normal btw.

Best part about the game is the exploration. Every time I entered a new area and cleared it of its enemies, I had a blast exploring every nook and cranny. I heavily invested into hacking so I could do this better. I only realized I should use the gloo gun to climb more a bit into the game, and afterwards the game was so much better. Unfortunately, I didn't like how much the game makes you backtrack especially later on in the game. Finding resources and items was also fun, but at the end, I had a large surplus of resources. Neuromods were also fine, but nothing really stood out to me. I never used any typhon mods because January said it might be bad, so maybe that made my experience a bit worse, idk.

The combat in the game is a bit janky, but still ok. The weaknesses were fun to exploit, but some enemies move too fast for me to feasibly attack them well. I kind of wished the game gave you a dodge mechanic so you can dodge them better. I also don't think stealth works very well in this game because I always got detected when I was trying to be stealthy, or maybe I am overestimating my stealth abilities.
The story of the game is probably the weakest part. The start is great and the middle is fine, but once most of the areas are discovered, it's just a lot of backtracking and the loading screens are so long that this sucks ass. By the end of the game, I had all the neuromods that made me move faster, so I just darted by each enemy and area and spent more time in loading screens than in the game. Also I expected a crazier ending twist, but it was still fine. I also didn't like how the ending choice doesn't mean anything, although it makes sense in the context of the story. Also I found that most of the optional objectives were bad. They didn't give good enough rewards and I think I only completed like half of them.
All in all, it's a very good game.

Reviewed on Jul 31, 2021
