I played Frostpunk on Xbox One, and this was my second time installing the game. I first tried this game almost a year ago, but it was way too difficult for me. A couple weeks ago, I gave it another chance and I beat the first scenario on Very Easy mode and I loved it.
The music is soo good and I love steampunk architecture. It just sounds so industrial and orchestral it's awesome. Everything looks so gritty and I love it.
The choices the game present to you were so difficult as well. I chose the "Faith" law book because I thought it would allow more freedom than "Order" but I ended up just creating a theocratic fascist state :(. Maybe if my citizens would calm down then I wouldn't have to publicly execute them lol.
Since I played the game on Very Easy, I didn't find the game too difficult, but that was alright by me as I just enjoyed the city building and resource getting aspect. Playing with a controller is probably worse than with a kbm, but I was able to figure it out and it worked well for me.
Overall this is a really great game.

Reviewed on Aug 21, 2021

1 Comment

2 years ago

ok this is in my backlog and this review convinced me to give it a shot soon!