As a kid, I remember playing a handheld version of this. Game Boy Colour or Advance, not sure which. Returning to this on the SNES nearly 30 years later and I’m so glad I did. This version is superior in every way.

The graphics must have been revolutionary at the time, using more realistic shades of colours and, sort of, photorealistic backgrounds give this game a very distinct look. The sprites for the characters and enemies are excellent. It hasn’t aged as well as the more “cartoony” looking games of the time, but to me it looks great.

The sound is fantastic. Monkey noises, exploding barrels, mine carts chugging along a track, all great. Love the jungle themed music and the underwater slower tracks.

Level variety is king. The levels will seem familiar with some repetition, but the gimmicks within them and the different types of platforming keep them all fresh. The mine cart levels, the barge fuel system and the on/off light levels were great. The flashlight level especially must have been revolutionary at the time. I thought that looked excellent.

It’s not perfect, and receives a downvote for the awful bosses, but it’s a must play plat-former for any fan and what I hope is a great foundation for the DK Trilogy.

Reviewed on May 14, 2024
