Campaign only.

Just… forgettable.

The game is okay. But I really wanted more from one of my favourite franchises.

Let me start with the good…

The core gameplay is great. There is some classic Halo to be found in moments. The guns all feel impactful and great to use, and there is a good variety to use. The grappling hook is a great addition.

And what I didn’t like about the game…

Stepping out from the initial structure of the Halo and into the open world was a great moment that filled me with excitement and anticipation for the rest of the game, but after several hours I soon found the game to be tedious. It all looks the same. There is nothing of interest in this world.

I had no desire to complete any of the extra content, to be honest. I just focussed on the campaign. But even the campaign was a little dull. Visit multiple structures, progress through what feels like the same rooms repeating themselves. Locked doors that need power seeds. Yawn. Honestly the mission where you have to visit 4 towers miles from each other just to get into another tower nearly made me drop the game.

The antagonists were interesting but the boss fights really lacked ambition.

Not a bad game by any stretch, but it’s left me really disappointed and underwhelmed.

Reviewed on May 22, 2024
