My favorite game of 2023, which is saying something for such a packed year. A game with this much of a vision is already fantastic, but a triple A game of this quality is nothing short of a miracle.

A sequel to a game that, i think, is very mediocre in 2023, Alan Wake 2 takes the very good idea from the first game (the flashlight then shoot part) and makes it feel better than just wandering around the same bland forest locations, picking up pages and having nothing happen for half the game. The story is much more out there and throws you through a loop every chapter it feels like, and the locations vary so much more. Both Saga's chapters and Wake's chapters have very distinct vibes and gameplay that it feels like a bit of a double album.

Right off the bat i'll say that the gameplay in this is the best Remedy's done since Max Payne, even though control was pretty good. I'll also say that it is a one to one recreation of Resident Evil 2 Remake, which isn't exactly a bad thing. The games are still quite different, resident evil is more survival horror and Alan Wake 2 is more action horror if you ask me, with the crazy dodge and the plethora of items it gives you (at least on normal difficulty). Not to say the gameplay can't be tense, it is very much so, especially in Wake's levels. Not even to mention the differences between the two main character's playstyles, with the taken Saga fights being more straightforward than the strange shadows Wake fights.

The variety in the types of levels for each character is perfect too. Saga's being more grounded and RE2 feeling than Wake's strange dreamlike murder sites. And its more than just forests in the real world! These separate tones are complimented by each characters gimmick. Saga's mind place where you use clues to solve an ongoing mystery and make deductions fits her FBI occupation. Not quite Phoenix Wright, but it's satisfying to see everything on the case board come together. Wake's version is a writers room where you can write to alter the reality around you. It sounds complicated but it's not as out there as it sounds. Conceptually it is, but that's another story.

The story is also amazing to me. It feels very reminscent of Twin Peaks: The Return and that's a massive compliment cause they pulled it off and it doesn't just feel like a ripoff. The story is very surreal and feels like it folds over onto itself. It will throw you through a loop and i love it, it's very cinematic. That might turn off some people but don't worry you get an actual video game instead of a movie, though the game does feel like one at times. Like i said, i love the tone, but i can see some people thinking it's a bit pretentious, even if i highly disagree. To top it off, the presentation is top notch. Remedy definitely took a huge step forward in Control, and they got even better with it in Alan Wake 2.

I do have a few issues. I think that the game is a tad bit confused on if it wants to be survival horror or not sometimes. I also think that the combat in Wake's levels is a bit unfun at times. I can play devils advocate though and say it makes you feel like how Wake must feel in the dark place, and i don't mind it all too much. I also think the map system is a bit strange since usually it's right next to where you walk in so there's not real reason not to just have an npc give it to you every time or something, but that is such a nitpick so i'm gonna stop listing issues that i have cause it's just stuff like that.

Overall, this is easily my game of the year. I'm so excited to see what Remedy does next, and I hope that one day people can play this on a platform that isn't the damn Epic Games store. Please play it, it's amazing.

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2024
