It's a shame this style of Bomberman game isn't made anymore, because it's a fantastic foundation. It has neat and varied level setpieces where no two levels are similar. The boss fights are fun and decently challenging.
It mostly falls apart when you try to 100% the game. 5 Gold Cards per level are required to reach the true ending and we can't really see ourselves going for this true ending again. Some of the bosses that were previously fun just become finicky when trying to win all of their Gold Cards in a single run (ESPECIALLY Black City's mid-boss) and the final world, Rainbow Palace, isn't even that much of a reward for going through the headache. It's a series of guide-dangits with bomb jumping puzzles with otherwise no actual substance beyond figuring out the trick.
The multiplayer mode is also a fun amount of distilled chaos, even if you're only playing against CPUs.
It's a far from a perfect game, and is at its most enjoyable if you just forget Rainbow Palace exists and ignore the Gold Cards entirely, but it's still enjoyable in its own right.

Reviewed on Dec 04, 2022
