I understand this is basically a Setup game, but it really takes a toll on how much of its content feels boring, tropey, and predictable.
For starters, I really don't care much about the characters as they are basically tropes and not something I could call well-written.
The Plot isn't any better either, it has an episodic tone for most of the game while slowly progressing over what's going on in its grand narrative which while is my thing doesn't work here as I didn't care much about the characters here. It does pick near the end, but even that isn't very impressive.
I wasn't a big fan of the final dungeon either, felt too long and was too confusing to get over.
The ending was pretty good and probably the strongest point of the whole plot, but anyone who is even a little familiar with JRPGs or rather media in general will know how it's gonna end.
But it's not like I didn't appreciate the game at all, in fact, there are tons of stuff I enjoyed in this game.
The gameplay is very enjoyable and its turn-based system is one of the best in this game, offering various strategies to deal with opponents, or just do your regular hit until they are dead battle.
It's not just the combat segment, the ability to save anywhere in the game, no random encounters, easy escape from battles, and a lot more. Its quite refreshing how not many JRPG for its time do that, but I am glad Trails does
The Music is pretty good as well, but I have heard a few tracks from Crossbell and Cold Steel games, and nothing in this game comes close to them. I like the music here but I feel like they are gonna have it even better.
The Worldbuilding is already very captivating and got me hooked, it makes you feel like the world of Trails is Grand and there are tons of events going to happen. And since it's the first game in the series, that makes it much more promising and I can't wait to see how better the Worldbuilding gets.
Overall I think it's an okay but promising start to the franchise, and I am hyped for going through all the games in it.

Reviewed on Apr 16, 2024
