At the risk of sounding pretentious: Hades is a game greater than the sum of any of it's individual parts. You can view all of its elements individually, and you'd have yourself an incredibly challenging and addictive Roguelike with a killer soundtrack. However, I think that would be to undermine the point of the art itself, and rob Hades of the credit it's due.

It's the way that all of the individual elements come together, and the way developers account for everything, that makes Hades such a unique experience. I can say stuff like "You can 100% complete the game and never hear a single line of repeated dialogue." or "no one run will ever be exactly the same," but I don't think any of that could do justice to just how well designed this game is.

Even if you don't enjoy it nearly as much as me, and regardless of whether you're a fan of roguelikes or not, give this game a chance for your own sake.

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2022
