I'm a sucker for spiderman games. I think you have to to stick with this one to the end, especially the janky feeling Vita version.

That was weird. The scenario veers left and right absurdly, the driving is atrocious (but thankfully unused) and it all feels unfinished. The slide tackles are great though. And I can at least say i finally played this, after hours on the demo as a kid.

Level design is amazing in the last world and a mixed bag before that.

What i dreamed for my entire childhood. More Goldeneye missions. New weapons, new characters, the whole shebang. Really impressive work.

Some of the levels do suffer from being too huge and open ended, especially on Agent difficulty where a lot of things are irrelevant.

Impressive but very short levels, with no objective change between difficulty levels

Very similar to the first one, but slightly better thanks to better twists for some stages, some very good stages, and better bosses.

A lot of very interesting ideas, the sum of which is underwhelming nowadays.
The inertia of the basic movement really wore me down.