like doom 2016 if it snorted like 5 lines of meth mixed with cocaine with 3 heroin needles in its arm and then it fucking died of an OD at 3am

It's interesting in how it essentially intensifies both the flaws and the strengths of the 2016 game. the combat is genuinely very fun, and the increased emphasis on keeping your resources stocked is nice. it does a good job of making you constantly pay attention to your health, your ammo, and your armor.
the game has some truly fantastic intense combat encounters, and they're in some truly obnoxious levels. the platforming, exploration, and progression systems have an increased focus here, and they're even worse than they were in doom 2016.
I'll also add that the weak point system doesn't really work too well. You're never really incentivized not to go for an enemy's weak points, so it's less a new way to fight enemies and more the only way to effectively deal with them. You're not given a new option to consider, you're given a win button.
I have a lot of complaints in this review but I did enjoy the game. In fact, I probably enjoyed it more than doom 2016. I just hope Id software pulls the focus back onto their more interesting elements in their future games.

Reviewed on Mar 20, 2023
