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This is quite possibly the best pure FPS story that I have ever played. This game holds up amazingly well in 2022 and I would highly recommend playing this if you never played the campaign.

I did initially play this game at release in 2016. However, I hopped straight into multiplayer but didn’t really put much time into it due to BF1 dropping around the same time. So I’m not going to comment much on the multiplayer but I will say, Apex did not change a single thing other than the titans being gone. Titanfall 2 was really ahead of it’s time multiplayer wise.

I cannot stress this story enough. You can get through it in one sitting tbh. I get that it’s short but QUALITY beats out quantity by a mile in this game. Platforming sections, smooth gunplay, fun titan loadouts, interesting story/lore building elements, and unique mission structure is how I’d describe the campaign. The bond you create with BT in such a short amount of time is really something special. Also, that time jump mission in particular is chefs kiss. That mission alone is one of the best levels overall that I’ve ever played.

Performance and graphics wise, I think this game still looks great. It’s 60fps on the series x.

What Apex did to correct some of this game’s shortcomings is the characters. This game probably would have been so much bigger if they made use of some of the characters that eventually made it on to Apex. Apparently Bloodhound was supposed to be in Titanfall 2 and I think that should have happened. The story of this game sets up so much intriguing lore but it’s kinda held back with the lack of unique characters. Aside from BT, there were flashes of potential with characters like Ash(who is now in Apex) and Viper. But there was nothing really substantial there. Had some early character concepts for the Apex champions had already been in Titanfall 2, I think it would have been so much bigger as a game.

This game really didn’t get the love that it should’ve in 2016. I was one of those people that initially dismissed this game back then. But I want to give this game it’s flowers in 2022 now that I revisited it. Play it if you haven’t(it’s on gamepass anyway) and I really hope Respawn makes a Titanfall 3 one day.