161 Reviews liked by Vtrigger12

Same game as SF2 but with boss characters playable and slight gameplay and balance changes. Is it good...yes. Is there any reason to play it besides nostalgia, not really?

My favorite street fighter game but portable. The special moves are mapped on the bottom screen which is useful for people who struggle with input commands. The control scheme isn't optimal but it's still good technically. No real reason to play it though becasue the console version is just infinitely better. But Cammy in 3D might be worth it.

One of the most important games of all time but not worth playing today really. The balance is horrible and the roster is unimpressive. But the game is still fun but easily the worst version of a game with a billion versions.

Nice variety of gameplay modes to try out. An incredible roster of characters with different ism's to make each fighter more unique. I have not put in a crazy amount of time into this one so I am by no means an expert but I can say this game is very good.

Possibly the best 2D fighter of all time. The only gripes are that the cast is horribly unbalanced and lacks Cammy. The controls and systems are perfect with the music being possibly the best in the genre. The skillcap is endless with so much boiling down to a skill difference between who wins and loses. Basically a perfect game.

But now its online

Im platinum the PS4* version with my friend( i already platinum the ps5 version)

i imagine this would be very boring without friends but with friends for like an hour and a half this was fun

Jogo sempre com meu pai e ja joguei com amigos, muito top

this is way more fun than it has any right to be

divertido e intenso como uncharted (sem meme no cap)

depends on how fun your friends are

Super fun with friends, runs poorly on switch. Above all else, fuck the boat level.