I'm sure I've played at least 400 games in my life, and Resident Evil 4 remains my favorite of all time, I love this game, and this game made me love the franchise, I love this franchise so much, that I bought them all the games (except the Remake) even though I can't play them, because my PC is very weak, but this game will always make me happy, in any version of it

I'm sure I've played at least 400 games in my life, and Resident Evil 4 remains my favorite of all time, I love this game, and this game made me love the franchise, I love this franchise so much, that I bought them all the games (except the Remake) even though I can't play them, because my PC is very weak, but this game will always make me happy, in any version of it

It's one of my favorite games of all time, and since I have a weak computer, I had a lot of fun with it. I love this game, and I'm still going to do 100% of it, just play it whenever you can, it might be difficult at first, but once you start to really understand the game, you'll fall in love.

I really like this game, I think it's extremely fun, both alone and multiplayer, I love its community, and it's a game that receives frequent updates, and you can either play it in a more childish way or be very strategic, my only problem with the game is that if you want to platinumize a level, you have to clear it like 12 times in different modes, I find that so boring, or like, when you manage to win the level in hard mode, you still have to complete it in easy and medium

Eu joguei bastante esse jogo, mas não terminei ele, eu adoro esse jogo e tenho certeza que se tivesse jogado na época eu daria 5 estrelas, mas eu adoro essa temática mais sombria mesmo que as vezes incomode, e a história dele misturada com os outros jogos é 10/10

I loved this game when I played it, different ways to complete the mission, different weapons, creative paths, escapes, car under water, and besides all that, there was a game mode that you played with a friend, and it was really cool to do battles and testing weapons like 'everyone launches rockets' and things like that

Um dos melhores The sims, extremamente divertido, os criadores parecem que criaram esse jogo realmente com amor, a função de andar pelo mapa todo sem loading, foi simplesmente incrível, quem joga esse jogo pela primeira vez, independente de quando, vai se surpreender com o quão divertido é.

Revolutionary, this game was perfect in so many aspects, I have no words to describe this wonder

If it were today, I would give the game maybe two stars, but taking it all together, this game was incredible, anyone who played it at the time knows, firstly, it was an extremely fun sandbox, with lots of mechanics to discover and stupid things to do. , like 'who can build the best wooden car', and the different games it had inside, TTT, hide n seek, Murderer... simply legendary, whoever bought Garry's Mod at its peak, and played it, felt that every money spent it was useful.

Eu particularmente nunca gostei tanto desse jogo, ele não foi tão legal na época, e nem depois quando tentei novamente, até tinha umas mecanicas legais, mas o jogo parece que foi feito com má vontade, foi lançado no mesmo ano que Silent hill 2, DMC, Halo, e não parece ter sido feito no mesmo ano, de tão antiquado que parece.

I played this game on Cloud and I loved it, a lot of fun, lots of interactions, and playing with friends is one of the best feelings in the world

This game is even strange to think about how incredible it is, even if this game didn't have Minecraft in its name, it would still be one of the best games, extremely fun and addictive for anyone interested in games in this style, a mix of Hades and Diablo, even if you show it to someone who doesn't like Minecraft, they will love this game

Very fun, it's a roguelike mixed with Poker, it's such a simple game, that mixes something between serious and Casual playing, do you want to spend 10 hours playing a game? choose this one, do you want to spend 15 minutes of your day playing a game? choose this one. (Detail, you don't need to know poker to play this game, even if you don't know poker, it may be more fun to create strategies by calculating the probabilities.)

One of the best games for anyone who played it at the time, and this was the first game I spent money on in my life, I wouldn't recommend playing it nowadays, but it was remarkable, it was.