“It's not about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward.”

It was kind of bad, but it started something that was coming

I'm sure I've played at least 400 games in my life, and Resident Evil 4 remains my favorite of all time, I love this game, and this game made me love the franchise, I love this franchise so much, that I bought them all the games (except the Remake) even though I can't play them, because my PC is very weak, but this game will always make me happy, in any version of it

Maybe I'm slightly criticized, but this game is VERY good, and it's really cool to see the characters' perspective, but I still think they're very sensitive, like, being realistic, killing and stealing would be options that wouldn't leave someone completely depressed

I'm sure I've played at least 400 games in my life, and Resident Evil 4 remains my favorite of all time, I love this game, and this game made me love the franchise, I love this franchise so much, that I bought them all the games (except the Remake) even though I can't play them, because my PC is very weak, but this game will always make me happy, in any version of it

I loved this game when I played it, I still want the chance to beat it (I played on Cloud)

This game has less variety than 3, but it's still very good.

I haven't finished this game yet, but I didn't fall in love with it either, I tried to play it several times and stopped, I found the game a bit slow, it takes too long to get to places, it has some weak mechanics, this one in particular didn't captivate me, unlike Demon Souls that I simply loved.

I was never the biggest fan of Shooter, but this game really attracted me, I really enjoyed playing it.

I LOVE this game, I thought it was revolutionary when it came out, it had a different vibe than everyone else, I missed the free map from The Sims 3, but besides that, I'm going to give it a low rating due to the DLCs factor, have you seen the cost of them all? It's bizarre.

I was never the biggest fan of Shooter, but this game really attracted me, Its my favorite Medal of Honor

If Pelé were a game, this would be it.

I don't know why, but I find the game extremely boring, I'm not saying it's literally bad, but it certainly didn't please me, I don't like playing it, it doesn't look cool at all

Playing this game for the first time, seeing the Colossus appearing and thinking 'HOW AM I GOING TO DESTROY THIS' is incredible, this is a game, that I wanted to forget just to play again, see my reaction to each creature, trying to discover a strategy, see the third GIANT and think 'How? this thing is huge'

The rating was 5 stars, but I had to lower it because mechanically the game has a lot of problems

It's one of my favorite games of all time, and since I have a weak computer, I had a lot of fun with it. I love this game, and I'm still going to do 100% of it, just play it whenever you can, it might be difficult at first, but once you start to really understand the game, you'll fall in love.