Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

4 days

Last played

March 28, 2024

First played

December 23, 2022

Platforms Played


I really enjoyed this game. It's the perfect "lay in bed and play for 20-30 mins before going to sleep game" it also scratches that itch I have of completing things, so mapping out all the floors and getting the satisfying pop-up when I did so really appealed to me.

I would say the only downsides were:

1: I quickly found out that using the accessory that adds to your phys attack & mg attack + full hp dmg and/or weary dmg boost just steam rolls everything mid to late game.

2: I was expecting the boss to be on floor 99 so finding them on floor 90 kinda threw me for a loop and I wasn't ready for the credits to start rolling lmao.

I really enjoyed this game, doesn't take much brain power, perfect for if you only have a short time to play every day or even just a few times a week.

If they ever did a sequel or similar style game I would definitely buy it. Just comfy overall, honestly.

Played this game non-stop for like 4-5 days over xmas time and then did the thing where I don't play my switch for months and now I have no interest in it for now.

Shelved but will come back to it one day because I really loved what I did play but not in the mood for a long dungeon-crawler game atm ;w;