A totally unique storytelling experience where the game only progresses when you physically blink. This is another one I'd actually like to revisit since it's primarily story based, and I'd like to see if I get anything new from it since the last time I played it (September 2021). For right now, I actually don't have much to say about it.

Before Your Eyes is a nice romp of "what ifs"- you quite literally see your life flash before your eyes. Starting at childhood, you begin making decisions. You blink, and you see how far that decision carried you. Every time you blink time passes- it could be a few months, or a few years. The life you live is kind of a broad strokes life. It's not so much that you need to care about the life that "your character" is living through, but rather you begin connecting your own memories and relating them to the story in front of you. With such clever story presentation, it's easy to see why so many people found this game so impactful. It's one of those pieces of media whose contents may not be the most innovative, but because of the presentation and questions it asks the player, it can be something that can really stick with you, depending on how much you ruminate.

Reviewed on Oct 20, 2022
