Really really excellent. As a world filled with characters and stories and amazing ideas, it's absolutely impeccable stuff. The first 60-70 hours I spent with the game were so consistently surprising and cool, and I'm confident a lot of moments here will stick with me forever. It was easy to be skeptical of the idea of this being open-world, but it's such a good fit for From and their uncanny ability to make players say "oh god, what is that?"

In so many ways, this feels like the greatest possible realization of From's desire to bring the experience found in classic RPGs like Wizardry and Hydlide to a wider audience. I adore it, I really do.

That said, I kinda wish I liked the bosses here more than I do? Sekiro worked for me because every fight was really quite something. There weren't an absolute ton of bossfights, but each one felt like a really fantastic display of the game's systems and ideas, and any that got reused were changed in cool, really exciting ways. Here, there's so so so many fights and a bunch of them are cool, but so many of them get repeated to a degree that I honestly started to find them less special as the game went on. I loved fighting a dragon for the first time, for the 10th, though?

It's a shame, it kinda cheapens some of the really cool ideas in here more than I'd like. The catacombs, too, kinda get less interesting as you go and at a point I just stopped doing them entirely.

But man, as complainy as I sound, I wanna stress how much I love so much of what this game does. I wasn't expecting to click with this at all, but it's a really thrilling game that has some of From's absolute best work. Some of the NPC stories, too, got me in a way none of the ones in previous games ever managed. I was kinda stunned by that, honestly. Also, goddamn, when the bosses do land, they're amazing. Just please, don't do what I did and set out to do everything you can. Know when something in here is making the game less fun to you and be OK with leaving it be.

I'd been down on From for a while there, but after Sekiro and this back to back, it's clear that they're still firing on all cylinders and absolutely full to bursting with amazing ideas, and I'm so keen to see what the future holds for them.

Reviewed on Mar 12, 2022

1 Comment

great review, still think bloodborne, ds3 and sekiro are better but this is right under those