2 reviews liked by Warman

Prequels are always funny because they want you to be excited about amazing questions like "where did this axe come from?"

Yeah i just can't be bothered to finish this. I can atleast understand why someone would find this fun but it's just the complete antithesis of what fallout is to me.

I was willing to go through this with an open mind but it honestly just makes me depressed. Sure i had fun on occasion, most of the companions are pretty cool and probably the high point of the game! clearing areas makes for a fun time. but is that really what I'm looking for in a fallout game? it's not. I really couldn't care less. To me, Bethesda just does not understand what Fallout is. Also I knew this game wasn't for me when i didn't wanna touch base building ever even though it's probably the main selling point.

I don't even wanna go into how bizarre Bethesda's obsession is with designing everything in their fallout games unable to move on from the war even though they're set hundreds of years after, do they not understand the concept of post-post-apocalypse? if you wanna make a post-apocalyptic game that's cool! go for it! but why is a game set after Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas depicting the world as if the bombs only dropped like a few years ago?

I think the funniest thing about this game, aside from it being obsessed with wanting to tell you its story the way it wants to even though it's not even that good. Is it giving you the ability to get a power armor --the most powerful armor in the series-- and killing a Deathclaw --the most powerful mob in the series-- ...in the first hour of the game. I'll just leave it at that.

I'm sure Far Harbor is cool, and admittedly, it was my main motivation for going through this game, but now I'm honestly just even more soured on how Bethesda handles this series. If only Troika Games got the IP instead.