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2 days

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November 6, 2021

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ok, genuine review this time.
the summary is extremely high highs and extremely and more frequently low lows.
the biggest issue is the awful quality of most scenes, I wish I can just say it was whatever but no it was just Bad and to add insult to injury awfully repetitive and drags on for way too long (the best example of this is door2)
but enough with negativity (there is a lot of it) the positive parts (not enough of it) were great and easily one of the best I've seen, but like I said there isnt enough of it, and unfortunately it does not justify the rest for me.

most of the characters are just bad (like most of the game shocking! except for a few who are really great.
my feelings throughout the game is either "kill me now!!!" or "kino!!!".
the first door was just boring and literally nothing interesting happen in it until the final stretch where it was just cool horror. Mell was just... painfully uninteresting protagonist going through an extremely boring romance, white-haired girl was the same as mell, and nellie was actually alright loved her villainous role in it.
door2... BAAAD pure and simple, interesting premise AWFUL execution and pacing like holy fuck how do you get a cool premise like bestia and fuck it up??? and god dont let me get on how repetitive every fucking character was!!! bestia, WHG, pauline and javi say the same exact thing a billion times throughout it!! and literally nothing else. I genuinely don't know how people like this.
door 3 is really fucking good!! I loved every character in it especially Jacopo like god damn how did the same guy write this?? and maria was an amazing supporting character and WHG was actually good this time!! this door humanizes Italians very well, but sadly all good things must come to an end and door 4 was meh! I kinda liked Michel but WHG went back to being bad. however, I liked the twist that happened right after!
not gonna mention the next doors because spoilerinos!
but I have a more positive feeling about them.
in conclusion, overhyped and boring! there's some good but 10 times the bad.

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