Mega Man 9 2008

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 28, 2023

Platforms Played


I honestly don't know what people see in this. It is a retrogression for the series, not a 'return to roots'.
Instead of keeping the mechanics and QoL features that made the game better (slide, charge shot, quick weapon switching, being able to fire the mega buster and the other weapon using two different buttons), they just made the game as frustrating as possible for frustration's sake.
I'll admit that some of the bullshit sections can be bypassed by clever use of weapons (mostly the Jewel Satellite), but still the game is littered with spikes and other instakill obstacles.
This would've been excusable if it were an NES game, but this is just stupid.
For fairness' sake, I had some good time and there were a couple of stages that were genuinely good like Galaxy Man, Tornado Man and Splash Woman.
I just hoped for more out of this game, especially considering how everyone says that this is the best Mega Man game.
I can see why it is regarded as such; it maybe has the best bosses in the series, but the issues as mentioned make me reluctant to accept that.
A good Mega Man game nonetheless and I can't really stay mad at the blue guy.
I also liked the inclusion of a female Robot Master and hope they continue to do so.