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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 1, 2024

Platforms Played


Loved the whole aesthetic of the game that reminded me of old Cartoon Network shows like Kids Next Door and Ed Edd n Eddy.
The characters were all great and each had their own personality, and the voice acting for each of them was superb. I also loved the accents of Mikhail and Milla.

The story was great with some pretty dark stuff that doesn't break how funny and lighthearted the game is.
I also liked exploring the camp and see how all the characters interacted with each other and how their relationships unfold, although not all of them were interesting enough. Also, Raz and Lili are so cute together.

The levels were pretty good, and I didn't have a major issue with any of them, except maybe I felt some levels took longer than necessary, but some of them were pure genius like The Milkman Conspiracy and Waterloo World.

The collectibles were fun to collect, and none felt very obscure or truly challenging to get, but the Figments are obnoxious to 100% and I gave up on that after the halfway point in the game, especially since some segments were impossible to get all the Figments in in your first attempt.

And lastly, put your goddamn goggles back, Raz, for God's sake.