12 reviews liked by Wasuto

-soyle bakiyim atesten gomlegi kim yazdi 😈😈😈

-sagopa kajmer 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶


i need qbu-191 to rail me between her legs right now asap, okay i admit this is PEAK

A gacha game I surprisingly adore. Great strategic gameplay. A compelling sci-fi story. An adorable dorm system. Superb artwork and animation. Real clever and cheeky expedition systems. Seemingly endless challenges and secondary tasks for you to do. You can also get by without paying for premium currency, if you get clever with where you invest your T-doll upgrades. There's also an awesome level of replay-ability from chapter to chapter - I rarely felt like I had to mindlessly grind the same level. Win-win-win-win for me.

If you want a turn-based strategy RPG (heavy on the strategy), this is the one. If you want something else, play Azur Lane (bullethell), Blue Archive (tactical RPG), Arknights (tower defense), Genshin (open world, hack/slash), Honkai (turn-based RPG), or FGO (turn-based RPG).

Overall: 7.3/10 (7)

Gameplay: 7/10
Story/Narrative: 8/10
Graphics/Visuals: 7/10
Audio/Soundtrack: 7/10

Taksici Çılgın Abdül'ün İstanbul macerası

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walteri oldurdukten sonra sinirden mutfak camini yumrukladim cam patladi elim kesildi amk

PRO TIP: If you struggle to beat a boss in this game cry about it on social media and From Software will nerf them accordingly