Am I the only one that despised this game? It was one of the most repetitive games I’ve ever played, without any of that LEGO creativity outside of the cutscenes (which were genuinely great). The combat solved everything, as a blaster hero. You didn’t need to take cover once. Since you can just tank the damage and kill all the enemies. And this is coming from someone who deliberately DIDN’T upgrade his health and damage. It’s just too easy that it’s braindead.

LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens did combat far better. Cover shooting is a vital mechanic, instead of practically useless, Which made the game more challenging and more fun. You could have dozens of stormtroopers shooting you at the same time.

Meanwhile in the Skywalker Saga. I struggle to even find ten enemies on the screen at the same time. The Geonisian arena looks desolated and empty. It looked far better ten years ago in LEGO Star Wars 3.

And like I said. I can barely find creativity in the game. Yeah, the cutscenes are AMAZING, I definitely agree with that. But the levels are extremely boring, when building something. It’s usually just an object you need. Gone are the days where you build massive things, that play a wacky animation and keep you invested. The game could have just had a chibi or minimalist artstyle. And barely anything would change to the gameplay. It doesn’t do anything unique with the LEGO IP.

Please don’t think of me as a hater. It was one of my most anticipated games since it was revealed, but I just can’t defend it. I’ve played all the movies except Rise of Skylander. Because I just couldn’t play anymore. It was genuinely so boring.

Reviewed on Dec 09, 2022
