We all wear masks... metaphorically speaking, Mr. Kratos.

Don't know why I got it in my head that God of War (2018) was the first in a trilogy. Everything's a trilogy nowadays, and every Sony first party title is a narrative action game. I know everyone is sick of it, the people crave Ape Escape, I crave Ape Escape, but having now finished the God of War Duology, I really wouldn't mind another one of these.

I won't dive in too deep on the story, but Ragnarok provides satisfying payoff to basically every plot hook introduced in the previous game and brings everyone's character arcs full circle for a conclusion that feels very earned. I think. Look, I was screwed up on medication and wracked by insomnia before a invasive medical procedure when I played most of God of War, I don't remember much of it. Baldur was there, Mimir's head was smacking off the side of Kratos' ass, Freya was real mad about her failson trying to kill her... I got the broad strokes!

Thor and Odin (played by Richard Schiff, who is mashing every scene between his molars) are perfect contrasts to Kratos and Atreus, both in terms of personal growth and their station in the story. Atreus wants to learn more about himself and the giants but seeks to defy their prophecy to protect the ones he loves, whereas Odin is consumed by a self-centered desire for knowledge and has blinded himself to the cost. Kratos realizes he's been running from who he was, but confronts his past and grows, while Thor feels powerless in the face of his own nature and habitually succumbs to his own anger and self-loathing. The rest of the supporting cast is given plenty of reason to kick old man Odin's door down and beat his ass, too.

Surt's also here, he's gonna cast Agidyne or some shit.

Combat picks up more quickly than the last game, you don't have to wait until halfway through to get the Blades of Chaos, and you eventually get a new weapon that makes use of the draupnir ring in some creative ways. Gameplay is divided between Kratos and Atreus, and I tend to worry anytime one of these games puts me in control of a side character that their gameplay just won't feel as good. Initially, Atreus is tedium manifest, but he really grew on me, and by the end of the game I think I actually prefer his combat over Kratos'.

New weapons and abilities are metered out in a way that keeps the game feeling fresh, but chapters struggle a bit more with pacing and often overstay their welcome. Every chapter has at least one room too many of a particular gimmick, puzzle, or combat encounter, resulting in about 20-30 minutes of your playtime feeling padded out. This is more a problem in the first half of the game, but even some late game chapters still drag on a bit. There are also a lot of side missions, and I eventually had to accept that I wasn't going to do everything, because then I'd only tire of Ragnarok and end up liking it less. I wouldn't even say this is a quantity over quality issue as all of it is still good, there's also just too much of it, and some of your time across Ragnarok's realms could've been better divided.

I wonder if we'll ever get to see Atreus at that age where he's stealing beer out of the garage refrigerator and taking the Blades of Chaos behind Kratos' back and accidentally causing an obscene amount of property damage. Even if we don't, I'm fairly confident in saying Ragnarok is the best game in the series. I've never played any of the other games besides the 2018 one but like, c'mon. It's got Surt!

Addendum: I almost gave this a 4/5 because of its pacing issues, but then started thinking about how Heimdall is basically just Weyoun from Deep Space 9 and that's deserving of a half star at the very least. Now if you'll excuse me, Mimir and I are gonna head to the holosuite in Svartalfheim and pretend to be old WWII British fighter pilots.

Reviewed on Jan 08, 2024


4 months ago

I would crawl through Hades itself and do some unspeakable horrors just to see a glimpse at a new Ape Escape game I need it so bad.

Atreus will absolutely be shown stealing his dad's blades to show off to his dumbass friends that the world ain't shit to him.

4 months ago

@TransWitchSammy Ape Escape will save Sony, I just have to keep believing in this until they make one.