Second game (following Oblivion) in my USPS Straight Losin' My Shit series. At least this time my neighbor actually returned it to me. On the other hand, USPS smashed the front of the jewel case in during transit. You win some you lose some.

Puyo Puyo Sun is the third mainline Puyo Puyo game, and probably the fastest paced entry I've ever played. I did a single run through the story mode, which of course is all in Japanese so I have nothing substantive to say about its story. Great looking sprites, though. The cutscenes are weird and very charming, even if I might not know what the hell is going on. I am also way into the Summertime aesthetic, and I'm kicking myself for playing this while it's rainy and dreary out, because it's a very strong contender for my list of Summah Games

As far as the gameplay, though, I kind of don't know what to make of Sun. The drop speed of Puyos does not change the further you progress, and I didn't observe my opponents playing more strategically over the course of the story mode either. The difficulty largely remained static, and I feel like a lot of matches were won through sheer dumb luck. Sometimes I'd find junk being dropped down in my well in the precise areas I needed to clear in order to execute combos, and junk accumulation happens very quickly, which meant that I rarely had the opportunity to run a match back. If you start to see junk Puyos at the top of your screen, you need to start clearing anything you can or you'll be swiftly buried. However, the reverse is also possible, and I had just as many matches where I executed what I thought to be a very minor combo only to have my opponent struggling at the top of their well maybe ten or fifteen seconds later. Most matches were done and over with in about 25-40 seconds, so if you're looking for a Puyo game with some really good exchanges between you and your opponent, this ain't it.

Or maybe it is, I don't know! It's sometimes hard to get a feel for all the nuances of a puzzle game without another human player to learn against. Considering the one friend I have around here who I could theoretically loop into playing a multiplayer Saturn game has such an aversion to Puyo he couldn't even beat the Chemical Plant boss in Sonic Mania and quit the game (which he paid full price for), it's unlikely to happen. Maybe I'll mess around in the menus at some point and see if I can't milk a little bit more out of this one, but as it stands, I think this lands pretty low on my ranking of Puyo Puyo games.

Reviewed on Mar 12, 2023


1 year ago

My favorite USPS moment was when I got a small lot of cheapo PS1 games, and when I got the box it was super obvious some fatheaded shitbag used it as a stepping stool and busted pretty much all of the jewel cases. I was able to replace them all and the discs survived, but I can't imagine how annoyed I would've been if there were actual value to that stuff and it wasn't just like....fuckin' Shadow Master and some other mystery titles only I know about.
As someone who's shipped NA Sega Saturn games, I generally assume the worst and use the most stable packing pieces I know of. Double-boxing, corrugated cardboard padding, copious bubbles and air bags...the works. Jewel cases and those shitty proprietary longboxes make me appreciate even the most run-down DVD packaging.